Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Forbidden Sight

Forbidden Sight

I watched as dandelion seeds were pulled one by one by the wind.
I watched as no flowers grew.
I watched as the wind lost to the sun.
I watched as the stairs collapsed.
I watched as no one could run away.
I watched as no one could move forward.
I watched as thoughts flew through peoples eyes.
I watched as the thoughts turned into words. Unspoken. Broken.
I watched as the unbreakable broke, the unsinkable sunk.
I watched as people cried, but I never cried.
They wanted to know what was wrong.
But how can you explain something,
You were forbidden to see?

Last Story

I Remember

I remember when snakes had legs.
Whatever happened?
I remember when a cloud had a soul.
Whatever happened?
I remember when a voice had a mind of its own.
Whatever happened?
I remember when you could fall up, as well as down.
Whatever happened?
I remember when nothing was owned.
Whatever happened?
I remember when buttons were used to capture tounges.
Whatever happened?
I remember when the owl didn't wear a mask.
Whatever happened?
I remember when trees had veins.
Whatever happened?
I remember when minds wore colors.
Whatever happened?
I remember when an apple was turned inside out.
Whatever happened?